All Delta and the rest of them - each horrible in its own special way - have to do is resist the urge to make a cheesy joke and they win. No amount of apology tweets will undo the image, burned into the minds of air travelers everywhere. And a place in the annals of the Twitter Screw-up Hall of Fame, with a special plaque in the customer service section. So sorry, in fact, that you couldn’t be bothered to address my other tweets,” she countered.
“We truly dislike delays too and are very sorry your flight was affected,” the corporate account responded in its usual robotic tone. It all started because Twitter user was unhappy her flight sat for an hour on the tarmac and let it be known on social media. Airways told an unhappy passenger to go screw herself in one of the most graphic ways imaginable, sending the above XXX image - the uncensored version - out to its 418,000 followers this afternoon. If you thought brands were getting too cavalier on Twitter before … Use the dirtiest parts of your imagination, if you must.